My pursuit to free my belly

I have been on a journey towards better health for over 5 years now and although I have made some significant strides in my life and wellbeing, one recurring theme keeps coming up - the tension I hold in my belly.

Acupuncturists, massage therapists, “Es-Teck” full body scans, holistic therapists have all pinned down a certain tension in my belly.

I’ve never really addressed it beyond getting medical checks that all came back healthy and fine. I figured it’s just a discomfort I have and something that I need to live with.

It wasn’t until this August in Switzerland, during a session with the most brilliant Osteopath, that I was shown the source of all my troubles: my stomach, right between my lower ribs. After he worked on it and released some tension, he said that the rest was down to me to release - that he couldn’t go any further as it was an emotional constriction.

That gave me the final push to address it and begin my belly-freeing journey! 

I have come to notice, through conversations with my clients, friends, and family, that they hold tensions of their own. Physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional stresses - much of these are trapped in the centre of our bodies.

We all have our own journey to take in how we deal with these.

Regardless of which stage we are at in this journey - identifying, addressing, or overcoming our issues - we need hope; hope that things can get better.

If you’re just starting out like myself, in limbo and not quite sure on where to go next, or are just curious, join me on this podcast and my quest to free my belly.

I will be speaking to different individuals from all walks of life who will share with us their story on how they “freed their bellies" (or how they help others free their bellies).

Join me on this quest!

Free The Belly Podcast on Instagram


Nick Brandon


Why “Free The Belly”?