Why “Free The Belly”?

The reason I chose the name "Free the Belly,” is that I have found, through my own quest for better health, that many of us hold tension in the centre of our bodies and that this can get in the way of us living pain-free and authentic lives.
We all have tensions or blockages on some level and these can manifest themselves very differently; whether that be physical, mental, spiritual or emotional. We are all at different stages on the journey to overcoming these limitations. Some of us are still identifying them, while others are actively working on - and resolving - them!
It may be holding in our breath as a result of trauma, suffering from digestive or gut issues that keep us from doing the things we love, or even sucking in our tummies to appear a certain way.
It could be not allowing our gut feeling be heard in our personal and professional lives, repressing our creativity to fit into social norms and perfectionist ideals, or experiencing social isolation due to withholding from emotional intimacy. The list can go on and on!
On this podcast, I will speak to different individuals from all walks of life: medical and health professionals, motivational speakers, business owners, mothers, parents, and many more, who will share with us their stories about they “freed their bellies" or how they help others to free their own!

Free The Belly Podcast on Instagram


My pursuit to free my belly


Tuning into our body’s wisdom