Tuning into our body’s wisdom

I sometimes like to imagine us humans walking around like lollipops on sticks; our giant, bulbous heads filled with thoughts, limitations, beliefs, stories, self-criticism, and judgements.

Our bodies simply prop up our heads, one-dimensional, as straight and stiff as the stick of a lollipop.

However, in truth, our bodies enable us to get where we need to go each day, to communicate our wants and needs, our hopes and our dreams.

Our senses bring vibrancy and meaning to our lives. Our bodies connect us to our own deep wisdom and instinct, to the beauty of the present moment, to a feeling of grounded-ness and ease.

Our belly, the centre of wisdom that holds so much intelligence.

Our belly that tightens in times of stress and worry or flutters when we’re nervous or excited.

Our belly that knows instinctively when something is wrong.

Let's tap into it and listen this this source of wisdom.

Simply noticing - noticing sensations, emotions, or feelings that move in and out of our awareness and reveal to us that which the mind ignores.  

Let us listen closely and see what we can learn.

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Why “Free The Belly”?