My Current Morning Routine For 2024 and The Things I love To Do Every Day To Feel Healthy

I loveeee a morning routine and as soon as I meet someone I look up to or admire in any sort of way I want to understand exactly how they spend their first waking hours.

The morning truly is the window to your soul - and it’s the PERFECT time of day to set intentions, set good habits in motion, and plan your day in a way that feels authentic and aligned.

I think it must be said that a morning routine is not a ‘to-do’ list and you definitely don’t have to check the box of everything you do each and every day. That’s not the goal at all.

The goal with a morning routine is to set the tone for how you want to feel that day.

So, with that said, I thought I’d start by sharing my favourite morning routine at the moment:

  1. I start with a gratitude practice in bed as I open my eyes - I think of 3 things I’m grateful for and really allow the feeling to resonate through my body

  2. I open the window to let some fresh air in and look up to the sky for quick daylight download - I LOVE that first sip of fresh morning air in my lungs!

  3. I make the bed - I find doing it as soon as I wake up means it’s done and I don’t have to think about it again, but it helps me feel tidy and ready for the day

  4. I start sipping my first litre of lemon and electrolytes room temp water - still in PJs as I’m waking up slowly and mindfully

  5. I roll out my mat and do 20-30mins Pilates followed by either breathwork or a 10 mins mobility stretch whatever speaks to me most that day - I let my body choose

  6. I make a protein rich breakfast like veg and eggs or greek yoghurt and nuts and seed

  7. I brush my teeth, floss, and tongue scrape

  8. I get showered, dressed, make my Matcha 🍵 and start work

I find that if I keep my routine fairly simple and straightforward it’s much easier for me to stick to and actually do each day!


So how do you start crafting your own morning routine?

Start by picking a few core areas of your life to bring to your morning. For example - you could pick mindset, movement, and health. This could look like meditating for your mindset, doing some mobility stretches for movement, and getting 20 mins of sunlight for your health.

Some areas and ideas for what you could pick below:


  • Sunlight for 20 mins

  • Take your supplements

  • Drink a large glass of lemon water

  • Dry brushing for lymphatic drainage

  • Do a skincare routine


  • Write a gratitude list

  • Dance to your favourite song

  • Read a book

  • Do some art or crafting

  • Spend some time outside


  • Affirmations

  • Meditation

  • Breathwork

  • Morning journalling

  • Listen to an inspiring audiobook or podcast


  • Mobility routine

  • Go to yoga

  • Go for a jog or run or walk!

  • Play with your kids / pets

  • Unload the dishwasher and hoover

You can use these ideas or pick your own but you can easily see how to build your own routine by using this pick and mix method.

Build your routine around the season you’re in

Something I think it’s really important to remember is that your morning routine should act as a service towards whatever you’re currently working on or reflect how you’re currently feeling.

For example - my routines mostly change seasonally depending on my energy levels, mood, and whatever work goals I have.

They also change whenever I travel - as I know I can’t put the pressure on myself to be the same and feel the same when I’m travelling.

However that said, I do like to have some morning ‘non negotiables’ that I bring with me wherever I am and whatever season I’m in.

For example - gratitude and meditation are things I do most days, even when my moods, hormones, and energy levels change.

I also always try to get sunshine on my eyes as early in the day as I can (although sometimes in during the winter months in London this is tricky!!)

Here are some light journal prompts to help you build your routine:

  1. What am I working towards right now?

  2. How have my energy levels been lately?

  3. What do I most need right now?

  4. What have I been avoiding lately?

  5. What routines and rituals will support me the most?

  6. How do I want to feel when I wake up?

  7. What do I want my days to look like?

  8. What needs to be my daily non-negotiable?

Overcoming blocks to your routine:

With life being as unpredictable as it is, your routine may need altering and that’s OK. You can approach this new habit with softness and give yourself permission to grow into your routines but still leave room for them to adapt and change as they need to.

> If you end up short on time: pick just one simple thing to do that will generate your desired feeling and shorten in length if you need. Want to feel grounded and calm? Do a simple one minute box breath practice (breathe in for 4, hold for 4, breath out for 4, hold for 4, repeat)

> If you wake up in a bad mood: even more reason to do your morning rituals! But find a few things that will change up your state and shift your energy - like dancing, movement, or getting outside into nature.

> If you’re travelling or doing something unexpected: It’s natural for plans to change - maybe you head off on a spontaneous weekend or have an unplanned work trip - I like to have a ‘plan b’ for these occasions - usually this is a shortened (travel size) version of my usual routine.

> If you’re tired or low energy: Always listen to your body and get honest with yourself - do you need to rest and lean into the energy or do you need to elevate your mood and energy with movement? Listen to what your body needs. You can always do your routine from bed too if you want to indulge in a sleepy practice.

> If you’re feeling unsure of what to do: If in doubt, have a list of your ‘non negotiables’ like I do - pick a few of your favourite things that are guaranteed to help you no matter what - no need to reinvent the wheel each day


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