Embrace Intentions, Not Resolutions: How to Have a Purposeful New Year 

Have you found yourself reflecting on the past year and setting resolutions or goals for the year ahead? While these can help provide direction and motivation, they can also lead to feelings of pressure and disappointment if not achieved.

Instead of focusing on rigid goals, consider embracing intentions for the new year. Intentions are not about achieving a specific outcome but are about cultivating a way of being. They guide our actions and decisions, allowing us to approach the new year with a sense of purpose and alignment. 


Clarify Your Intentions with Mind Mapping 

Setting intentions can be a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation. However, it's important to clarify your intentions to ensure they are aligned with your values and aspirations. 

One effective approach is to create a mind map to explore the possibilities and connections associated with your intention. 

Step 1: Choose an Intention Select an intention that resonates with you and aligns with your desired direction for the new year. It could be something like "cultivating mindfulness," "nurturing gratitude," or "embodying compassion." 

Step 2: Start Branching Out In the centre of a blank page, write or draw your chosen intention. Then, begin branching out from the centre, capturing key ideas and concepts related to your intention. Use words, symbols, codes, or images to represent these connections. 

Step 3: Connect the Dots Draw lines between your ideas and the central intention to visualize the relationships and connections between them. Utilise different colours to categorise or group related thoughts. 

Step 4: Explore Deeper Delve into the depths of your key ideas, exploring their core concepts and potential applications. Uncover possibilities beyond the immediate scope of your intention. 

Step 5: Seek Inspiration Look at your mind map as a source of inspiration for new projects, initiatives, or actions that align with your intention. Embrace creativity and let your ideas flow, even if they seem unrealistic at first. 

Step 6: Keep Your Mind Map Alive Mind maps are not meant to be static; they are a dynamic tool for personal growth. Keep your mind map in a journal or other safe space, revisiting it regularly to expand its branches and incorporate new insights. 

By incorporating this mind mapping exercise into your intention-setting process, you can gain a deeper understanding of what matters to you and how you can bring those intentions into your life. 

Examples of New Year intentions:

Personal growth and development: 

  • Cultivate mindfulness and presence in my daily life 

  • Embrace a growth mindset and learn new things regularly 

  • Nurture gratitude and appreciate the present moment 

  • Strengthen my self-confidence and self-esteem 

  • Practice self-compassion and forgive myself for my mistakes 

  • Live in alignment with my values and passions 

Health and wellness: 

  • Prioritise my physical health and well-being 

  • Eat nutritious foods and adopt a balanced diet 

  • Engage in regular exercise and physical activity 

  • Get enough sleep and manage stress effectively 

  • Maintain a positive attitude and support my mental health 

  • Embrace a sustainable and eco-conscious lifestyle 

Relationships and connections: 

  • Strengthen my bonds with family and friends 

  • Build new meaningful relationships and connections 

  • Foster a deeper empathy and understanding with others 

  • Communicate effectively and resolve conflicts peacefully 

  • Practice kindness and compassion towards others 

  • Create a supportive and loving environment for myself and others 

Career and professional development: 

  • Contribute to my company's success and personal growth 

  • Develop new skills and knowledge to enhance my career 

  • Seek opportunities for professional advancement and recognition 

  • Build strong professional networks and collaborations 

  • Pursue my passions and aspirations in my career 

  • Make a positive impact in my field of work 

Community and social impact: 

  • Engage in acts of service and volunteerism 

  • Give back to my community and make a positive impact 

  • Support causes and organisations that I care about 

  • Advocate for social justice and equality 

  • Protect the environment and promote sustainability 

  • Live a life with integrity and purpose 

Knowing your ‘values’ AKA your northern stars can also be extremely helpful in setting your intentions.

How to clarify your intentions even further:

To gain deeper clarity about your intentions, employ the "in order to" technique. This approach involves expanding upon your intention by identifying the underlying motivations and aspirations that drive it. By delving into the "in order to" aspects, you can refine your intentions and ensure they align with your core values. 

Step 1: Identify Your Intention Recall the intention you created. This could be something like "cultivating mindfulness," "nurturing gratitude," or "embracing compassion." 

Step 2: Explore the "In Order To" In the centre of a blank page, write or draw your chosen intention. Then, beneath it, complete the phrase "in order to... ". This prompt encourages you to delve deeper into the underlying motivations and aspirations associated with your intention. 

Step 3: Repeat and Expand If your initial response to "in order to..." still feels broad, repeat the process. Write your refined intention and follow it with another "in order to" to further explore its core purpose. 

Step 4: Uncover the Essence Continue this process of refining your intention through "in order to", gradually narrowing down to the essence of what drives your desire. 

Step 5: Connect to Values As you explore the "in order to" aspects, reflect on how your intention aligns with your core values. This connection reinforces the authenticity and purposefulness of your intention. 

Step 6: Daily Reinforcement Regularly revisit your clarified intention and reflect on its deeper meaning. This daily connection helps you maintain focus and commitment towards embodying the feelings associated with your intention. 

By embracing the "in order to" strategy, you can gain a profound understanding of your intentions and ensure they align with your values and aspirations. This clarity is essential for achieving sustainable growth and transformation. Remember, intentions are not just about setting goals; they are about cultivating a way of being that aligns with your deepest desires. Let your intentions guide your actions, shape your interactions, and bring a sense of fulfilment to your journey.

Need some help finding clarity? Download my FREE Wheel of Life Workbook now.


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