How Working with a Integrative Nutrition Coach Can Help you Reach Your Goals

Do you ever get that feeling of being stuck and unsatisfied with your life? Or of not feeling totally at home in your own body?

If this sounds like you, or if you’ve been considering working with a Health Coach then keep reading. In this post I dive into everything Integrative Health Coaching, and explain exactly how working with a coach can help you identify, refine, and reach your goals!

Embarking on a journey towards a healthier and happier life can be both exciting and daunting. It can be tough to know where and how to get started with defining your goals, and how to start working towards them.

Integrative Health Coaching recognises that each persons journey is individual, and coaching at its core is a process of discovery; helping you discover your individual definition of health, so you can start leading a life that feels balanced and aligned with your authentic values.

Incase we haven’t met yet, I’m Luana - an Integrative Health Coach and NLP Practitioner on a mission to help you find balance on and off the plate. I believe that when you bring awareness to yourself and your life, you bring wellness and endless opportunities for freedom and growth. I offer guidance and strategies to improve your on-plate and off-plate nutrition.

In this post I’ll be exploring all the ways in which coaching can be beneficial and why you might want to consider working with an experienced Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.

So, what is Coaching?

I’m trained as both an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and an NLP (neurolinguistic programming) Practitioner. Here’s what they mean in real terms: 

Integrative Health Coaching is a collaborative partnership between you ‘the client’ and me ‘the coach. Together we take a deep dive into the areas of your life that you want to improve on.

The way I work means I don’t just look at the food on your plate - together, we look at all the elements of your life that contribute to your overall feeling of health and well-being. From career and finances to your home environment and exercise, to what you eat and how often you cook.

The diagram below shows all the areas that we could work on depending on your specific goals and areas you wish to work on.

I’m also passionate about NLP (neurolinguistic programming) and am a trained practitioner - NLP put simply, means using perceptual, behavioural, and communication techniques to help you change your thoughts and actions.

This means that if you consistently find yourself doubting your abilities and worrying about the future, we can use simple, proven NLP techniques to move through those feelings and reinstill a new sense of belief and capability within yourself. If you’ve ever suspected that your mindset needs some love and attention, then NLP is a great place to start. 

In NLP we believe that you already hold all the tools you need within you, it’s simply about leaning in to whats working and strengthening new beliefs and habits that will support your development.

When I first discovered coaching I had been feeling tremendously stuck and unmotivated with my life.

Everything felt murky - I had great friendships, relationships, and did everything I was ‘supposed’ to do like work out, eat (fairly) well, and made time for socialising, but something wasn’t clicking - I felt broken, like I’d lost my mojo.

What started as a home decluttering project has now become my full time job - I not only help people declutter their homes but we work on decluttering every area of their life and make room for the things that really matter - helping people find balance on and off the plate.

I became a coach because I’ve made it my personal mission to empower you to live your most authentic life - filled with enriching experiences, delicious and nutritious meals with loved ones, a fulfilling career and beautiful home life. The most important thing is I’m here to help you live your version of a balanced, healthy life.

So, what are the benefits of working with a coach?

In my experience of working with lots of different clients from different backgrounds, and with very different goals I’ve seen patterns and traits that reflect why coaching is so beneficial:

You get clarity

You can only move towards a new direction when you know which way you want to go. The way I support clients means we get laser focused very early on in the process. We spend time finding out what’s important to you, connecting you to your individual goals, sense of balance, and how you feel healthy.

When you work with an Integrative Health Coach like me, you feel so clear and honestly, clarity is one of the best feelings ever.

Have you ever felt stuck? Well, clarity is the antidote. And when we work together the first part of the journey is getting clear on your goals, whats keeping you stuck, and how we can move forwards together.

You co-create an action plan

Have you ever tried to implement a new habit like say, drinking more water, and on day one you’re like “Yes I can totally do this”....  you drink water and feel hydrated, but then come day 6 or 7 you’ve lost all your motivation?

This is because trying to implement new habits and behaviours without a plan never works. When you try to form a new habit and rely on willpower alone it is never sustainable.

Willpower and motivation both come in waves - they aren’t something we can necessarily control or just decide to have. So many external factors affect our ability to see things through - but one thing that has always worked time and time again is having a clear plan.

When you work with a coach, you design your own health plan that is truly unique - one that adapts to your needs, goals, energy, and whatever resources you have available.

The beauty of working with a coach and not following something generic online, is that you have a plan that’s literally been created for you!

You have true accountability

One of the reasons coaching is so successful and that my clients create and see real lasting results is because they have someone holding them accountable. It’s easy to make promises to yourself about how you want to change up your habits and lifestyle but not keep them, we all have our excuses - but when you have someone gently guiding and nurturing you on your journey, you’re more likely to implement new habits, do the uncomfortable work, and stick to your goals.

Having someone to cheer you on and challenge you is why coaching works better than relying on a friend for accountability. We need someone who can mirror back our thought patterns and behaviours, whilst also having the skills and expertise to gently guide us towards our goals and desires.

You improve your outlook and mindset

I’ve already mentioned my absolute love for NLP, but I also advocate for many other mindset tools such as journaling, playfulness, social interactions, and I TRULY believe that the healing process does not have to be all bleak, a drag, heavy. Yes sometimes it might involve questioning why you have old habits instilled deep within you, but more often than not we can find respite and nurture a positive mindset through fun, joy, and childlike curiosity. When we can bring an element of playfulness to our personal development we can more easily navigate blocks such as stress and explore the value of a more simplistic approach to living. 

Working with a coach can help you steadily improve your mindset over time, so that you are better able to deal with stressors and can more easily do ‘the work’.

You feel more motivated than ever

Motivation comes and goes, and this is why it can be hard to stick to something even when you know it’s good for you. The thing with motivation is that really it’s built around two key factors: knowing why you want to do something and knowing how you will make it happen.

The first of those two elements - your why is actually the hardest part to crack. Often we think that we can’t do something because we don’t have the proper plan, but most often it’s because we don’t have a plan OR a valid reason why.

When you work with me, we start the journey together uncovering and discovering your personal values (or your ‘Northern Stars’ as I call them) (link to authenticity blog) we start here so that we can have a solid grounding for all our work. Motivation comes from taking action, but motivation continues when you have a great reason for showing up and doing the thing!

You build a toolkit of resources you can use forever

I love when a client tells me they don’t need my guidance anymore. It means I’ve done my job, and I’ve done it well. The whole point of coaching is not to have someone tell you what to do, or have someone to lean on forever - the point of coaching is to learn how to trust yourself. 

I aim to provide all my clients with practical and insightful tools and techniques to use every single day. My mission is to help you carve out your own path towards health and happiness - and to empower you to find your own inner strength and resiliance to do that within you.

Working with me will leave you with knowledge, inspiration, and practical tools such as NLP techniques, meditations and breathing techniques, recipes, nutrition information, home decluttering tips, and so much more. You’ll leave with a toolkit to support you through each phase of your life.

It’s also important for us to define what a coach is and what a coach is not. It can sometimes be confusing to know how a coach can help you, so I’ve tried to simply outline the key things a coach can do for you:

What a coach is:

  • A coach is a guide on your side for your wild ride 

  • There to inspire and co-create a path to personal personal and professional growth 

  • Similar to a sports coach on the side of the pitch, not on the pitch

  • Someone to ask you powerful and illuminating questions

  • There to help you understand and uncover potential limiting beliefs and mindset blocks

What is a coach is NOT:

  • There to treat or prescribe

  • A doctor, naturopath, physiotherapist, dietitian or PT

So, to round up all the reasons why coaching is so important and can help you reach your goals: it provides you with unwavering support and guidance, provides you with insightful and practical tips and tools to use throughout your life, gives you a clear plan of action so you go from ‘stuck’ to ‘taking action’, and it connects you with your true self.

Curious about how 1:1 Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching can help you? Wondering about NLP and how it could improve your mindset? Every quarter I take on a handful of new clients, and I’d love to speak with you about how I could help you reach your goals.

Here’s how some of my previous clients have described working with me and my style:

  • Created a safe and open environment for clients to freely express themselves

  • Guided clients through practical exercises, visualisation, and mindset shifts

  • Empowered clients to build confidence, find peace, and let go of past hurt

  • Demonstrated empathy and understanding towards clients' experiences

  • Provided clear guidance and support throughout the coaching journey

  • Fostered a sense of patience and kindness

  • Employed a holistic approach to personal growth and transformation

  • Assisted clients in discovering their strengths and regaining control over their lives

  • Helped clients bridge the gap between their current situation and their desired outcomes

  • Facilitated tangible transformations and a renewed sense of purpose in clients' lives.

  • Keeps things creative and lighthearted.


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